Second round Żywiec Murals projects started!

plakat II edycja

The Żywiec Municipality announces the second edition of the contest for the design and construction of murals in 5 locations around the Zywiec City. We kindly invite all Street Art artists to participate in the contest entitled "Żywiec Murals". Contest Jury will judge the competition works constituting designs for murals that will become a decoration of the Zywiec City, fitting into its landscape and enlivening public space.
We are waiting for Your designs until 3-rd of March 2023.
Detailed terms and conditions of participation in the contest, all regulations and attachments which must be submitted, you may find on the Żywiec City BIP website (
The contest is carried out within the framework of the project "SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution", financed from funds of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget, within the framework of the Local Development Program.
Please share information about the contest and participate!

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